The Sanskrit word refers to the most subtle of the 5 elements. In Ayurveda, Akasha is where all other elements originate; without it, there would be no earth, fire, water or air. It is intriguing in its seeming contradiction: Akasha is still, but promotes movement; akasha is nothing and yet everything all at once.

More recently in western history and occultism, Akashic Records have come to be known as a gigantic library of all thoughts, ideas and emotions ever experienced by all sentient creatures since the beginning of time. Some even believe that this universal database is accessible, but only by a handful of psychics or Akashic Readers.

You might be familiar with a little story that goes like this: One day an old fish was swimming in the ocean and came across two younger fish. The old fish said to them as he swam by, “hello gentlemen, how’s the water today?" One of the younger fish eventually turned to the other one and said, “That crazy old fish! What the heck is water?!" and continued swimming. It's so easy to go through the cacophony of life completely unaware of the complete stillness that underlies all that we see and feel. It's a great meditation tool to help quiet the mind.