Spring Equinox Yoga, Sound Healing, and Yoga Nidra
FRI | Mar 21 | 6:00-7:30 PM | $40
Led by Ginger and William
Invite in the effervescent energy of Spring with a yoga practice specially designed to follow the Ayurvedic paradigm for the season, gently stimulating the meridians within the body associated with the stirring of this time of year. After this short and sweet practice, you will be invited to lie down comfortably and be guided into relaxation and intention setting with a rejuvenating Yoga Nidra meditation (Yogic Sleep). The entire experience will take place amidst a healing soundscape of bowls, bells, drums, gongs, and other ethereal sound-making instruments that will surprise and delight you . Yoga Nidra will lead seamlessly into a pure Sound Bath for the last segment of the experience. Ginger will lead the yoga, yoga nidra, and part of the sound bath experience and will be joined by studio sound healer, William.

Restorative Yoga with (optional) hands on Craniosacral Techniques
First Sunday of month at 5:30 PM
Consider a Customized Mini Yoga Retreat at our studio!
Latest news in Seattle Times about the powerful benefits of gentle yoga practices! Our offerings in that genre:
Check out our Friday night Pop Up classes!
Friday nights are for fun, new, and exciting events! Stay up to date on our latest pop-ups via our Pop-Up Classes page. Let’s make Friday nights fun, spontaneous, and interesting! First and last Fridays are reserved for Yoga Nidra and Sound Bath, respectively; other Fridays will periodically feature special topics and classes. Stay tuned to our webpage and social media to learn what’s coming up next!
For savings and convenience, you might enjoy monthly unlimited autopay. It only requires a 3 month commitment and then you can go month to month, cancelling anytime. Save $5 per month over regular monthly autopay—plus bypass having to remember to purchase a new pass each month. AND you can schedule your classes out as far as you like into the future. It’s only $139 per month for unlimited access to all regular online and virtual classes. Compare prices here.
Every 3rd Friday, 3:00-5:00 PM
Alternating between odd numbered months at Uptown Espresso and even numbered months at Serendipity Lounge. Just show up and look for us!