Let’s discuss!
Which of the following do you think Baba Hari Dass was trying to explain? Write your thoughts in the “comments” section.
1. Our thoughts can shape the way we experience the world.
2. Our motivation can affect our perception.
3. We have a tendency to actively seek out and interpret information that supports our pre-existing beliefs, ignoring information that may contradict our beliefs.
4. Other: please share! #babaharidass #discussionpost #deepthoughtsandqoutes #magnoliavillage #magnoliavillage #discovermagnolia #seattleyogastudio #supportlocal #magnoliachamberofcommerce #neighborhoodyoga #morethanasanas #yogaforlife

Our Spring Intro Series with Seanna begins April 7!
- 5 Mondays at 5:30 pm
- $180* for entire course
*Includes a 50% discount on all class cards and passes
Space is limited; book your spot today: https://studiobookingonline.com/magnoliayogaandhealingarts/store.html
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#yogaintroseries #newbeginnings #spring #introtoyogaspring #yoganeardiscoverypark #magnoliavillage #discovermagnolia #seattleyogastudio #supportlocalandsmallbusiness #neighborhoodsanctuary
Monthly Yoga Nidra with Ginger comes with a virtual option tomorrow!
Start your weekend with a meditative, sensory journey and sink into a deep state of relaxation.
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#yoganidra #fridaypopup #seattleyogastudio #neighborhoodsanctuary #discovermagnolia #yoganeardiscoverypark #smallbusinesslove #supportsmallandlocal
March 21 | Friday | 6 pm | $40
Save the date!
Invite in the effervescent energy of Spring with a yoga practice especially designed to follow the Ayurvedic paradigm for the season, gently stimulating the meridians within the body associated with the stirring of this time of year. Our Spring Solstice event with Ginger and Will features Yoga, Sound Healing and Yoga Nidra.
Grab your spot today: https://studiobookingonline.com/magnoliayogaandhealingarts/workshop.html
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#yogaevent #springsolstice #yoganidra #fridaypopup #soundhealing #soundbathevent #seattleyogastudio #magnoliavillage #yoganeardiscoverypark #neighborhoodsanctuary
Can’t Yin at the studio? This week you can Yin from home!
Join the Zoom crowd to catch a deep tissue workout to both stretch and strengthen: https://studiobookingonline.com/magnoliayogaandhealingarts/classes.html
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#yinyoga #virtualyoga #yinonzoom #wednesdaynightyoga #yoganeardiscoverypark #seattleyogastudio #magnoliavillage #neighborhoodsanctuary
Grab your bolsters, strap, blocks and blanket! Restorative Yoga will also be on Zoom Sunday evening☺️
Join Ginger from the comfort of your home: https://studiobookingonline.com/magnoliayogaandhealingarts/classes.html
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#restorativeyoga #virtualyogaclass #restorativeyogazoom #seattleyogastudio #yoganeardiscoverypark #magnoliavillage #discovermagnolia #sundayyoga

In times of external crisis, human beings can often find themselves bracing, pushing forward, keeping it together, and doing what needs to be done to overcome and survive. While these reactions are understandable, it can also be very difficult on our bodies, our minds, and our hearts. Taking time for yourself and leaning on your yoga practice, is not an escape but an opportunity to focus the mind, recharge, and open your heart.
At Magnolia Yoga and Healing Arts Studio, we provide community and a safe space for self exploration, lead you through meditations and asanas, and provide healing arts such as Reiki, Sound baths, Hypnotherapy, and Craniosacral Therapy to help you on your journey to inner peace. Join us at the studio or online for classes 🪷
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#wisdomwednesdays #yoganeardiscoverypark #magnoliavillage #discovermagnolia #seattleyogastudio #supportlocal #magnoliachamberofcommerce #neighborhoodyoga #morethanasanas #yogaforlife
Monthly Sound Bath this Friday!
Book your spot today: https://studiobookingonline.com/magnoliayogaandhealingarts/classes.html
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#fridaynightyoga #fridaypopup #soundbath #soundhealing #seattleyogastudio #magnoliavillage #yoganeardiscoverypark #discovermagnolia
End the day with a deep tissue stretch to the healing vibrations of Sound Bath. This combo of Yin and Sound Bath happens just once a month. Grab your spot now: https://studiobookingonline.com/magnoliayogaandhealingarts/classes.html
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#midweekyoga #deeptissue #yinyoga #yinwithsoundbath #magnoliavillage #discovermagnolia #yoganeardiscoverypark #seattleyogastudio #mindbodyhealing

A match made in heaven or a sublime event right here at the studio?! Both!😊
@gingerannyoga & @marina.healingarts led a fusion event that combined Restorative Yoga with Reiki, and ended with Sound Bath, on Saturday.
We hope to catch you on our next event!
#yoganeardiscoverypark #yogafusionevents #magnoliavillage #healingeventseattle #restorativeyogaandreiki #restandrestore #randr #soundbath #discovermagnolia #matchmadeinheaven #reallifebliss
The 3rd Friday of the month is upon us, and it's worth celebrating!
Stop by to say "Hi" or stay the entire 2 hours this Friday for our monthly happy time at the Serendipity Lounge (next to the Cafe).
Learn more about our HHs: https://www.magnoliayogaandhealingarts.com/third-friday-social-hour
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#yogasocial #yogahappyhour #fridayhappyhour #tgif #wesurvivedanotherweek #yogacommunity #magnoliacommunity #seattleyogastudio #magnoliavillage #serendipitylounge #discovermagnolia

As human beings we face challenges, difficulties, and trials throughout our lifetime; our experiences can be different from others and some of these challenges may come from current events or our own lives, but we all experience them one way or another. Paramahansa reminds us that these challenges/difficulties/trials are NOT a punishment but rather an opportunity for spiritual growth and self-discovery. When we shift our perspective and approach with curiosity, things that seem challenging, can actually help guide us to a higher level of consciousness and spirituality that goes beyond the physical body.
At Magnolia Yoga and Healing Arts Studio, we provide a safe space for self exploration, lead you through meditations and asanas, and provide healing arts such as Reiki, Sound baths, Hypnotherapy, and Craniosacral Therapy to help you on your journey of life. Join us at the studio or online for classes 🪷
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#wisdomwednesdays #paramahansayoganandaquotes #yoganeardiscoverypark #magnoliavillage #discovermagnolia #seattleyogastudio #supportlocal #magnoliachamberofcommerce #neighborhoodyoga #morethanasanas #seattleyogastudios #yogaforlife
💖Happy Valentine's Day💖
May you give and receive love in abundance on this day and beyond!
♡ ♡ ♡
Any special plans tonight? Join Yuko for Chill Jazz Yoga & some sweet treats at 6 pm before heading out for the night (or back home!) Use your class pass or drop in.
♡ ♡ ♡
Take advantage of our 20% discount on private lessons (for couples/small group): https://studiobookingonline.com/magnoliayogaandhealingarts/store.html
#valentinesday2025 #happyloveday❤️ #fridaypopup #yoganeardiscoverypark #seattleyogastudio #neighborhoodsanctuary #MagnoliaVillage #discovermagnolia
Spread some love! We all could use the timeless gift of yoga right now. Get one for a family member, friend or co-worker. You can also grab one to pay it forward; contact us for details😊
Physical or digital, our gift cards are available in our booking system store and website.
For members: https://studiobookingonline.com/magnoliayogaandhealingarts/store.html
For non-members: https://www.magnoliayogaandhealingarts.com/gift-cards
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#yogagiftcards #valentinesdaygiftideas #giftofexperience #giftofyogaandwellness #seattleyogastudio #MagnoliaVillage #yoganeardiscoverypark #morethanasanas #neighborhoodsanctuary #yoganowmorethanever
The current Menopause Series ends on Sunday with a practice focusing on strength and heart health💪💖
Join Naomi and a community with shared experiences to navigate this powerful period of transition, and join her in the next series starting Feb 23!
Buy your spot: https://studiobookingonline.com/magnoliayogaandhealingarts/store.html
#menopauseyoga #yogaformenopausesupport #neighborhoodyogastudio #neighborhoodsanctuary #seattleyogastudio #MagnoliaVillage #smallbusiness #yogastudiolove #seattlemenopauseyoga
Whether you celebrate Valentine's or Galentine's, show your love this year with a customized yoga practice with your partner or small group of good friends💖
From our store, scroll down to Private Small Group Yoga Session (2-4). Use the promo code LOVE20 during checkout. If you're using a mobile device, scroll right to the find the promo code field and click on Apply to activate the discount.
Email us to schedule your private session.
Claim your discount today: https://studiobookingonline.com/magnoliayogaandhealingarts/store.html
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#loveday #valentinesday2025 #loveday2025🩷#galentinesday #galentines2025 #lovedayyoga #yogaonvalentinesday #yogasale #yoganeardiscoverypark #magnoliavillageseattle #neighborhoodsanctuary #yogaandhealingarts #seattleyogastudio #supportsmallbusinesses2025
Monthly Yoga Nidra at 6 pm, with virtual option.
Book your spot now: https://studiobookingonline.com/magnoliayogaandhealingarts/classes.html
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#yoganidra #fridaynightyoga #yogapopup #restandrelax #yogastudioneardiscoverypark #magnoliavillage #yogaforhealing #neighborhoodsanctuary #supportsmallbusinesses #supportlocalnotbigbox #soothethesoul #discovermagnolia #magnoliachamberofcommerce
Enjoy a relaxing, prop-supported restorative session with Ginger from the comfort of your home. The first Restorative class of the month is offered with a virtual option. Use your regular class card/pass or buy a $25 drop-in.
Requirements: mat, bolsters, blocks, blankets, strap, chair.
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#restorativeyoga #sundayrestorativepractice #sundayyoga #restandreset #restanddigestmode #virtualrestorativeyoga #zoomyoga #willitsnow #seattleyogastudio #neighborhoodsanctuary #thirdplace #wegotyoucovered #yogalife #virtualoptionyoga #eveningyogapractice
The series continues!
Yoga poses, breath work and a shared community to help you navigate this powerful period of transition.
2/23: Finding Ease - Restorative Menopause Yoga
3/2: Letting Go - Detox and Cleanse
3/9: Ease and Balance - Soothing Menopause Irritability
3/16: Rest and Restore - Calming Anxiety and Insomnia
3/23: Re-energize - Supporting Muscle Strength and Heart Health
Join Naomi for the whole series or drop in: https://studiobookingonline.com/magnoliayogaandhealingarts/store.html
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#menopauseyoga #menopauseyogaseries #menopausehealth #seattlemenopauseyoga #seattleyogastudio #yoganeardiscoverypark #MagnoliaVillage #neighborhoodyogastudio #neighborhoodsanctuary #thirdplaces
New to Reiki? Marina is joining forces with Ginger to bring you the subtle but healing energy of Reiki while holding restorative poses. A restful yet energizing practice to enrich your weekend.
Buy your spot: https://studiobookingonline.com/magnoliayogaandhealingarts/store.html
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#restorativeyogawithreiki #reikihealing #restorativeposes #saturdayyoga #restwithreiki #yoganeardiscoverypark #MagnoliaVillage #neighborhoodsanctuary #seattleyogastudio #supportlocal #smallbusiness #bliss #marinahealingarts