March Theme - Renewal
The studio's theme this month is Renewal, a word that could mean different things to different people: restarting or re-learning something, a do-over, or a pivot.
This season, we encourage you to pay attention to how this concept applies to you. You may find that you are routinely re-creating or re-doing on the daily, perhaps leaving you with little energy for other types of renewal. Is there a small step you can take toward your desired goals?
Maybe your renewal path is about shifting perspectives. Are you being called to re-evaluate your world view? This is a form of svadhyaya (self inquiry) that's integral to the practice of yoga.
Regardless of the nature of your renewal, take action with awareness so that every significant step may be backed by the clarity of your intuition.
During our yoga practice, we use all the tools at our disposal -- breath awareness, movement, poses and meditation -- to get to the calmer, discerning place within ourselves. It's hard work, but always worth the effort.
We look forward to seeing you on the mat!